St Faustina

The following is a reflection given at our monthly Holy Hour in honour of Divine Mercy which takes place on the second Monday of each month in St Colman's Cathedral, Cobh

Last Wednesday, October 5th, was the feast day of St Faustina. It marks her death in this world and her birth to eternal life.

Last Sunday’s Gospel (see below) is very much in keeping with the message of Divine Mercy.

Just as there were those who were TOO BUSY for the wedding, we know that there are countless, poorly catechised but also indifferent Catholics who are not interested in the Mass. They are too busy for Mass but are quite happy with soccer, rowing rugby and other sports matches on a Sunday as well as shopping or a lie-in.
Do they know what they are missing?

The king who sent out his messengers in the parable eagerly awaited news of the return as well as the responses to all those who were invited. The parable immediately refers to the transfer of the mystery of salvation from the Jews to the Gentiles.

The revised translation in the Mass tells us more clearly: ‘Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb!’ The invitation to the wedding banquet in the parable in Sunday’s Gospel symbolises for us the invitation to the Lamb’s Supper in heaven, prefigured by our sharing in Christ’s Body and Blood.

Christ our King eagerly awaits souls to unite themselves to Him in the Eucharistic banquet. Jesus is our Eucharistic king. Like the king awaiting his guests in the parable, He expresses His disappointment to Sr Faustina:

I desire to unite myself with human souls; my great delight is to unite myself with souls. My daughter, know that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, my hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay attention to me; they leave Me to Myself and busy themselves with other things. Oh how sad I am that souls do not recognise Love! They treat me as a dead object. (1385)

Let us respond generously to Our Lord’s invitation to the Eucharistic feast.

We have no better model than the life and witness and mission of St Faustina.

What was her full title? Sr Maria Faustina of the most Blessed Sacrament

The chaplet reminds us that 'we offer the Precious Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ' – which is a Eucharistic prayer – addressed to the Father like all of the Eucharistic prayers in the Mass.

We know that without food – if we ever have to fast for any reason – we find life difficult. The Eucharistic food which is the daily bread of the Eucharist is in the words of St Faustina – 'the Bread of the Strong, from where I seek light, comfort and strength.'

During Corpus Christi she saw the two rays pass through the host in at the multitude. Our Lord told Faustina that she too was to be someone chosen by God to allow these rays of mercy to be dispersed through the world. It is, as it were, that the Lord was choosing Faustina as a lens through which the rays of light would be refracted and sent in all directions.

Finally the characteristic fruits of this spiritual life are given in the diary:

I spend every free moment at the feet of the hidden God. He is My Master; I ask Him about everything. Here I obtain strength and light; here I learn everything; here I am given light on how to act towards my neighbour. (704)

Let us likewise be generous in our time for Eucharistic adoration.

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